Larry, Sly and Lymes Disease

The epic adventure that is lymes disease... over a year mis-diagnosed, 6 rounds of treatment over three years. Proceed to my ramblings about my last two treatments - intravenous antibiotics and the L-protocol. And hope with me, and for my sake, that I get better.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

How to be happy...

My doctor, after slapping me with my extended IV sentence, had some good advice:

People base their happiness on how well they do what they do and what they have. But when you are sick, you don't do much and you certainly don't do it well. The key, however, is to love yourself, despite whatever is going on externally. So, fight for yourself. Love yourself despite your sickness, love yourself despite your wealth and despite your relationships. Getting better won't make you happy. Only you can do that...

smart man.

And, he continued to say, Lymes is like a constant wave - there are highs and lows, goods and bads. And as a chronic patient, I have to learn to not ride that wave... because the ups might feel great but the downs are going to hurt like hell. And no one can love themselves through that much thrashing.


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